Robert Rodriguez who is Executive Producer is the driving force behind energetic reboot of Predator films, which pits the dreadlocked alien hunters against a rogues' gallery of human antiheroes, led by a bulked-up Adrien Brody. The Oscar winner acquits himself nicely in the role of a gritty mercenary who finds himself stranded on a jungle planet with a host of criminals and professional killers (among them such scene-stealers as Walton Goggins and Danny Trejo), as well as a seemingly innocent doctor, well played by Topher Grace. They've been deposited there to serve as living targets for a horde of Predators--whose looks, designed by Gregory Nicotero and Howard Berger, are impressively varied and sleek--that use the planet as their private hunting grounds. Laurence Fishburne is also on hand as a soldier who has managed to survive for years in the jungle; he, Brody, and Grace do much to make the pulpy dialogue by Alex Litvak and Michael Finch (adapting a premise penned by Rodriguez in the mid-'90s) palatable. Likewise, Hungarian director Nimrod Antal (Vacancy) lends a great deal of atmosphere and Rodriguez-style momentum to the picture--perhaps more than necessary, since the end result is, like the 1987 original with Arnold Schwarzenegger, a fun B-movie and nothing more, designed entirely to give moviegoers a slick, unchallenging roller-coaster ride. Having said that, it's a vast improvement over the 1990 sequel and the dreadful tie-ins with the Alien franchise, and should provide movie monster aficionados with an afternoon's worth of thrills.
- Actors: Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Walton Goggins, Oleg Taktarov
- Format: AC-3, Color, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, Subtitled, Widescreen
- Language: English
- Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
- Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
- Number of discs: 2
- Rated: R (Restricted)
- Studio: 20th Century Fox
- DVD Release Date: October 19, 2010
- Run Time: 105 minutes
Special Features
Disc 1: Blu-ray Theatrical Feature Commentary by Robert Rodriguez and Nimród Antal Motion Comics Moments of Extraction Crucified Evolution of the Species: Predators Reborn The Chosen Fox Movie Channel presents Making a Scene Deleted and Extended Scenes Theatrical Trailer
Best Buy "Predators" Blu-rayDisc 2: Digital Copy
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